This report will focus on the Truckee and Little Truckee Rivers. The big difference from my last report is that access is opening up. You can pretty much get to all of the parking on the Truckee now and the Little Truckee has one snow patch that most vehicles can negotiate. That being said, stick to the pavement! It is super soft and gooey off of the main roads. The snow is still melting and we keep getting more snow and rain. Looks to be letting up by the weekend which means the water will rise yet again. Nymphing and streamers are going to be the best tactics right now and could get you a pretty big Brown Trout. Be patient, this high water won't last forever. Be cautious when wading.
This is a perfect year to take my nymphing clinic on May 20th. This just might improve your skills! More information on my Nymphing Clinic here.
Truckee River Conditions
The Truckee River flows are 495cfs in town and 2,070cfs at Boca. The water temps in the afternoon are in the mid-forties and clarity is good in town and a little turbid below Boca. With any significant warm up or rain expect to see another big rise in flows.
Truckee River Tactics
Truckee River tactics are not changing for a while. Nymphing and streamers are the best bet. Low and slow. Try bigger flies and colors that fish can see. Fish during the heat of the day. A couple degree bump in temperature may get them on the bite.
Truckee River Suggested Flies
Truckee River suggested flies. For nymphs: Iron Salley 14-16, Haresear 12-14, Burks Bottom Roller 14-16, Micro May 16-20, Rainbow Warrior 16-20, Zebra Midge 18-22, Pheasant Tail 12-14, Flashback PT 12-14, Perdigons 16-18, SJW, Glow Bugs, Copper Johns 10-14, Prospector 14-16, Frenchie12 -16, Rubber legs 6-10, Kauffman Stone 8-10, Twenty Inches 8-10, and Princes 10-16. For streamers: Sculpzilla 4-8, Sparkle Minnow 4-8, Wooley Bugger 6-8, and your favorite big ugly articulated goodness.
Truckee River Summary
The Truckee River is running high and cold. The access is good. If you don't mind deep nymphing and/or streamer fishing this is a good time to wrangle with a large Brown or Rainbow.
Little Truckee River Conditions
Little Truckee River is at 309cfs. The afternoon water temps are in the mid-forties and the clarity is good. There are a couple new logs accross the river which is awesome new structure.
Little Truckee River Tactics
Little Truckee River tactics are similar the the Truckee River. However, there are some bugs coming off and it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to see a few fish working on top. Nymphing and streamers are a better choice here at this time. There will probably be more anglers out here so be nice and give each other some room.
Little Truckee River Suggested Flies
For Dries: Parachute Adams 14-22, Quigley Cripple 16-20, Thorax Dun 16-22, Hackle Stacker 16, Emergers 16-20, RS2 20, Griffiths Gnat 18-20, and Compara Dun 16-20. For nymphs: Haresear 14-18, Burks Bottom Roller 14-16, HBI 16-18, Brassie 16-20, AP nymph 16-20, Micro May 16-20, Rainbow Warrior 16-20, Barrs emerger 14-18, Pheasant Tail 14-20, Flashback PT 14-20, Juju Beatis 16-18, Perdigons 16-18, SJW, Glow Bugs, Copper Johns 12-16, Zebra Midge 16-20, and Princes 16-18. For streamers try Wooley Buggers 6-8, Sculpzilla 8, Baby Swim Coach 6, and Muddler Minnow 8-6.
Little Truckee River Summary
The Little Truckee River is fishing pretty well now that the access is open. Bring all your gear. Nymphing and streamer fishing has been working but flows are low enough that a decent hatch could bring a few fish to the top. Expect this area to get busy so play nice.
Four Seasons Fly Fishing is the premier #Orvis endorsed #guideservice in the #Truckee #Tahoe area. We offer flyfishing walk/wade trips on our rivers and on the local reservoirs, as well as #flyfishingclinics for beginners to experts in all styles of Fly Fishing. Give us a call to book your #flyfishing #adventure today 530-386-0525 or, email