For the second day of #summer this report will focus on the Truckee #river. The fishing has had excellent fly fishing as the nice flows have continued and the water temps are holding in there. There is plenty of top water action for the #dryfly angler. The Green Drakes have started as well as nice hatches of Little Yellow Stones and Caddis. There is a mismash of other small mayflies hatching as well. It is time to get out and fish as these conditions will fade away soon.
Up Coming Clinic
I have space available for this clinic. Give me a call 530-386-0525 or email and I will get you signed up.
July 21st and 22nd Two Day Clinic Truckee Area Sampler
Are any of you interested in a Trout Spey Clinic?? Contact me directly.

Truckee River Conditions
The Truckee River flows are 371cfs in town and 450cfs at Boca. The water temps are hitting 64 degrees in the afternoon. Clarity is good but you can tell that there is a lot of people in the water. The tint has changed.
Truckee River Tactics
Tactics for the Truckee river at this time. Dryfly and Drydropper as long as the fish keep coming up. Nymphing in the deeper pools. Haven't tried a streamer in a few weeks but early or late in the day should be good timing for swimming a big fly in search of bigger trout.
Truckee River Suggested Flies
Double Dutch 8-10, Royal Wluff 10-12, or Chubby 10-12 for indicator flies. Other dries; Yellow Sally 14-16, Green Drake Parachute 10, Green Drake Emergers 10. Parachute Adams 12-22, Stimulator 8-10, Ants 10, Quigley Cripple 16-20, Thorax Dun 14-18, Hackle Stacker 14-18, and Compara Dun 16-20. For nymphs; Pat's rubber leg 8-10, Green Drake 8-10, 20 incher 8-10, Poxyback Golden Stones 8-10, Iron Salley 14-16, Haresear 12-14, Burks Bottom Roller 14-16, Micro May 16-20, Rainbow Warrior 16-20, Pheasant Tail 14-20, Flashback PT 14-20, Perdigons 16-18, SJW, Copper Johns 12-16 and Princes 10-14. For Streamers; Sparkle Minnow 4, Sculpzilla 4, Muddler Minnow 6, and Woolley Bugger 6-8
Truckee River Summary
The Truckee River is fishing really well right now, Dry Fly season. It is time to get out and give a try while we still have good conditions.

Other options
At this point the smaller streams are still holding in there with good water temps and plenty of hatches. Those Brookies are pretty willing to eat any well presented fly. The local reservoirs are in good shape for smallmouth bass around structure and the dams. Farther afield Milton is still fishing as well.
Four Seasons Fly Fishing is the premier #Orvis endorsed #Guide service in the #Truckee #Tahoe area. We offer walk/wade trips on our rivers and on the local reservoirs, as well as #flyfishingclinics for beginners to experts in all styles of Fly Fishing. Give us a call to book your adventure today. 530-386-0525