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Truckee Tahoe Fly Fishing Report for July 5th, 2022


This report will cover the Truckee River, Little Truckee River, and outlying areas. The weather has been helping us out with some cool nights and days. The flows are still holding up but I would watch the gauge for the next drop on the Truckee. Love this combination of weather and flows. The overall Fly Fishing has been really good with some super dry fly action on both rivers. We are in pretty good shape compared to other places. As we move later in the month I suspect the water temps will go up as the air temps increase. Right now conditions are perfect pick your technique and get out there.

A Big THANK YOU! to all the anglers that have come through my classes this season. It has been super fun. Speaking of fun I still have room for my Truckee Sampler Clinic. This 2-day clinic will focus on showing some of the access points for the various venues as well as a technique overview for each venue. We will start on the Truckee and Little Truckee for Day 1 and branch out from there. This would be great for intermediate to advanced anglers. Contact Brian 530-386-0525 for details and to sign up.

Truckee River Conditions

Truckee River Conditions couldn't better the flow in Truckee is 320cfs and at Boca 436cfs. Water temps mid-day have ranged between 62 and 67 depending on the air temp. Clairity is good but the water clouds up a bit in the late afternoon with all of the activity on the river.

Truckee River Tactics

Truckee River Tactics for these conditions should include the Dryfly and Dry/Dropper set-ups. Both rivers are experiencing mid-morning hatches that are lasting until mid-afternoon. Then a strong evening hatch as well. While you can fish subsurface durning the dead time there is really no need to nymph all day long. The fish are looking up a solid portion of the day. We have had some great topwater moments is the last two weeks. Love seeing the big guys move to take the dry!

Truckee River Suggested Flies

Like I put in the last report All bugs are in play now. Pick your favorite flies to imitate the bugs that are hatching and go for it. For dry/dropper rigs the Stimulator 10-14, Royal Wulff 8-10, Double Dutch 8-10, and Chubbies 8-10. If you spot some rising rise, here are some dries to try: Ants 10-12, Thorax Dun 12-18, March Brown 12-14, Green Drake 10, Hackle Stacker 12-18, Parachute Adams 12-18, Quigley Cripple 10-18, Griffiths Gnat 16-20, Midges 18-22 and Compara Dun 16-20. For nymphs: Haresear 12-14, Pat's Rubberleggs 8-12, Mercer's Poxyback Stones 10-12, 20 incher 8-12, Burk's Bottom Roller 14-16, HBI 14-16, Pheasant Tail 12-14, Flashback PT 12-14, Perdigons 14-16, SJW, Copper Johns 12-14, Frenchie 12-14, and Princes 10-12. Soft Hackles Orange, Pheasant Tail, and Haresear 10-14. For Streamers: Woolley Bugger 6-10, Sculpzilla 4-8, Dolly Llama 6, and Peanut Envy 4-6.

Truckee River Summary

The Truckee River is in great shape and fishing very well right now. Good Dryfly action with many of the bugs hatching throughout the day. These conditions won't last so don't wait til August to get your fix!

Rainbow Trout
Killer Rainbow for Toby from the Little Truckee

Little Truckee River Conditions

The Little Truckee River is at 111cfs. The water temps are good and I did get a mid-afternoon temp of 60 degrees on one of the hotter days last week. Clarity is good.

Little Truckee River Tactics

The Little Truckee River is about perfect for Dryfly or Dry/Dropper fishing right now. Strong hatches of Beatis are coming off in the Mid-morning on with some Caddis, Midges, and Little Yellow stones thrown in throughout the day. The fish are looking up when the bugs are out. These fish have seen some action so a good presentation for the fly that you are using will help. Haven't needed to drop tippet size yet which is good since some of the fish are pretty hefty.

Little Truckee River Suggested Flies

Again, just like the Truckee, all bugs are in play on the Little Truckee including the Green Drake. Try the Royal Wluff 10-14, Ant 10, or Chubby 10-12 for indicator flies. Other dries; Parachute Adams 14-22, Quigley Cripple 16-20, Thorax Dun 14-18, Hackle Stacker 14-18, E/C Caddis 14-16, Missing Link 14, Flashback emerger 16-18, and Compara Dun 16-20. For nymphs; Pat's rubber leg 8-12, 20 incher 8-10, Haresear 12-14, Burks Bottom Roller 14-16, HBI 14-16, Sparkle Pupa 14-16, Poopa 14-16, Micro May 16-20, Rainbow Warrior 16-20, Barrs emerger 14-18, Pheasant Tail 14-20, Flashback PT 14-20, Juju Beatis 16-18, Perdigons 16-18, SJW, Copper Johns 12-16, Zebra Midge 16-20, and Princes 10-14.

Little Truckee River Summary

The Little Truckee River is fishing very well. For those that like their Dryfly action there is plenty of opportunity throughout the day to get your fix.

Brook Trout
John with a nice Brookie using the Tenkara rod

High Country Lakes and Streams

Finally got out to the Jackson Meadows area last week and found the conditions to be pretty good. First, Milton reservoir is fishing very well. Water temp was 56 degrees mid-day. There are a few different Beatis coming off with the Midges and occasional Caddis. The Big Ant was still popular as well. The bite was definitely on and off throughout the day. Just keep changing it up til you find what the fish want.

Second, I checked out several of the streams as well. There I found good flows and good water temps. The temps varied from 58-65 degrees mid afternoon depending on where you at open meadow versus treed flowing creek. I figure we have a couple more weeks before it gets too warm and some flows really drop. The Brookies were more than willing to eat. Attractor dries work just fine no need to over think it here. Parachute Adams or a E/C Caddis is pretty much all you need at the moment.

Four Seasons Fly Fishing is the premier #Orvis endorsed #guideservice in the #Truckee #Tahoe area. We offer flyfishing walk/wade trips on our rivers and on the local reservoirs, as well as #flyfishingclinics for beginners to experts in all styles of Fly Fishing. Give us a call to book your #adventure today 530-386-0525 or, email


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I love to share my passion for fly fishing with anyone from the beginner to the seasoned veteran. Join me for a guided fishing trip in the Truckee/Lake Tahoe Area!


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