This report will focus on the Truckee and Little Truckee Rivers. Despite the cold weekend that we are having conditions are shaping up for a nice Spring. The water is up on the Truckee now that water is being released from Lake Tahoe. Hopefully this will not be an all at once deal but, it sure seems like the water master has waited too long given the warm up that we are supposed to get this upcoming week. There is less snow on the ground in town so the access has improved a bunch. No need for skis or snowshoes to get to the water. The Little Truckee is looking good as well. It is still early and we are coming up on spawning season for the rainbow trout of our waters. This will take some of our fish out of action for a short time while they work on making more fish. Give em a break if you spot spawning fish.
I have a few clinics coming up for this summer for those of you that are looking to improve your fly fishing skills.
Nymphing Clinic on May 18th
Women's Only Clinic on June 22nd
Trout Spey Clinic on July 20th
Call me 530-386-0525 or Click here for more info:
Truckee River Conditions
The flows are 198cfs above town and 616cfs below Boca. Water temps are 42-44 mid-day. Clarity is good above the Boca inflow and a little more turbid below Boca.
Truckee River Tactics
Truckee River Tactics are to fish low and slow. The water is still cold and it is coming up. Fish have moved out of the summer holding spots and into deeper slower water. Nymphing is generally the best bet. Dry/dropper can work too if the fish are rising on the overcast days. There have been some great hatches of BWO'S and Skwalas with couple of fish working them mostly on those overcast days.
Truckee River Suggested Flies
Truckee River suggested flies; for dry flies try the Parachute Adams 16-22, Thorax Dun 16-22, Compara Dun 16-22 Elk Hair Caddis 16-18, Royal Wulff 14-16, Chubby Chernoble 10-12, Quigley Cripples 14-18, and RS-2 16-20. For nymphs: Haresear 14-18, Burks Bottom Roller 14-16, Micro May 16-20, Rainbow Warrior 16-20, Zebra Midge 18-22, Pheasant Tail 16-20, Flashback PT 16-20, Perdigons 16-18, SJW, Copper Johns 16-20, Prospector 16-18, Frenchie 14 -18, Rubber legs 8-12, Kauffman Stone 8-12, Twenty Incher 8-10, and Princes 10-16.
Truckee River Summary
The Truckee River is still in mid-winter conditions and on the rise. Fish the heat of the day nymphing low and slow for best results. Overcast days have been good for hatches. Check the weather before heading out warmer days are better.
Little Truckee River Conditions
The Little Truckee river flow is 132cfs. The water temps were 42-44 mid-afternoon and the clarity is good. Access here has improved greatly since my last report. There is still some ice and snow on the road.
Little Truckee River Tactics
Little Truckee River tactics for mid-winter should take into account fish are cold blooded and the water is cold. Look for the fish to be in slower deeper areas. Like the Truckee try to fish the heat of the day. Warmer days are coming. Midges, Mayflies, and Skwalas all have been out and about. Any overcast day can get a hatch going and provide dry fly opportunities.
Little Truckee River Suggested Flies
Little Truckee suggested flies for Dries: Parachute Adams 14-22, Quigley Cripple 16-20, Thorax Dun 16-22, Compara Dun 16-22, Hackle Stacker 18-20, Emergers 16-22, RS2 20-22, Griffiths Gnat 18-20, and Compara Dun 16-22. For nymphs: Haresear 14-18, Brassie 16-20, WD-40 18-22, AP nymph 16-20, Micro May 16-20, Rainbow Warrior 16-20, Barrs emerger 16-20, Pheasant Tail 16-20, Flashback PT 16-20, Juju Beatis 16-20, Perdigons 16-18, SJW, Copper Johns 16-20, Zebra Midge 16-22, and Princes 16-18.
Little Truckee River Summary
The Little Truckee is fishing pretty well if you can get there. Nymphing will be the most successful technique unless there is some cloud cover. Then the BWO's will pop and provide some top water action.
Four Seasons Fly Fishing is the premier #Orvis endorsed #guideservice in the #Truckee #Tahoe area. We offer flyfishing walk/wade trips on our rivers and on the local reservoirs, as well as #flyfishingclinics for beginners to experts in all styles of Fly Fishing. Give us a call/text to book your #flyfishing #adventure today 530-386-0525 or, email