This report will focus on the #Truckee and #LittleTruckee Rivers of North Lake #Tahoe. The sun is out and the weather has warmed up nicely. Looks to be very nice this the weekend and time get out the sunscreen. This weather warm up has triggered round two of our runoff and the streams are all pumping with snowmelt. I am liking the warm up and so do some of our insects. The Carpenter Ant likes warm weather too. I spotted the first ones yesterday! While the rivers are up they should start to recede soon.
In the mean time you can fish the big water on the rivers or head out to Prosser, Boca, and Stampede Reservoirs and practice your fly fishing craft on some fish who are really willing to eat you fly. Refer to my previous #Stillwater report here
Want to learn more about high water fly fishing or other specialty techniques? Take a class. My classes are available anytime and custom to suit you interests or needs. Give me a call and we can set something just for you.
Truckee River Conditions
The Truckee River flows in town are 1350cfs and at Boca the flows are 2910cfs. Now that we are in runoff period 2 the water is a little turbid and temps are in the high 40's and should start to come up. The flow can also drop quickly if we have freezing overnight temps at elevation.
Truckee River Tactics
The tactics haven't changes much. Nymphing and Streamers are going to be the best bet. However, with the Carpenter Ants fly about, probing the soft water or deep slow edges with a big dry ant one might get lucky. Even a Dry/Dropper rig might work. Just haven't seen too many risers on the river, yet. The insect activity should pick up over the next few weeks.
Truckee River Suggested Flies
Time to add some Big Ass Dries and mix it up. For dryfly try Stimulator 6-8, Cubby Chernoble 6-8, and Foam Ant 6-8. For nymphs try attractor patterns and bugs on the bigger side: Pats Rubber Legs 6-10, Twenty Incher 8-10, Green Drake nymph 8-10, Prince Nymphs 8-10, Burk's Bottom roller 10-12, Flashback Pheasant Tail 14-18, SJW, Haresear 10-14, Copper Johns 12-14, and Mercer's Poxyback Golden Stone 8-10. For Streamers try Sculpzilla 8-4, Woolley Buggers 6-8, and Sparkle Minnows 4.
Truckee River Fly Fishing Report Summary
We are in 2nd and hopefully last pulse of runoff and the water has come up again. This time it is not raining and sunny so expect to see the water temps start to creep up. The Carpenter Ants are flying and that is always a good sign and gets a few fish looking up. The forecast is good so time to go fishing!

Little Truckee River Conditions
The Little Truckee River is flowing at 640cfs and the temp are in the mid 40's. It has been clear as well. Flowers are starting to pop in the meadows and along the trails. Really nice and lush there. The Mosquitos are going to go nuts any day now so have some bug spray with you.
Little Truckee River Tactics
Nymphing is still going to be the best tactic here. I expect to see more bugs with the warmer weather and some heavier hatches coming. As usual there are midges and small mayflies coming off throughout the day. Carpenter Ants have started flying!
Little Truckee River Suggested Flies
Little Truckee River Suggested flies. For nymphs try Micro May 16-18, Pheasant Tail 16-18, Flashback PT 16-18, Juju beatis 16-18, SJW, Copper Johns 14-18, Zebra Midge 18-20, RS2 16-18, WD-40 16-18, Green Drake 8-10 and HBI 14-16. For dry flies try Carpenter Ant 10, Parachute Adams 16-20, Royal Wulff 10, PMD 14-16, Griffiths Gnat 16-10, Quigley Cripple 16-18, Royal Wluff 10-14, Thorax Dun 14-16, and Compara Dun 14-16.
Little Truckee River Summary
The Little Truckee River is always worth a stop especially with the flowers starting to bloom and the big Carpenter Ants flying. Nymphing is still the ticket with the flows and current temps. Bring the bug spray.
Four Seasons Fly Fishing is the Premier #Orvis endorsed #Guide service in the Truckee Tahoe Area. We offer trips walk/wade and boat trips to all three of these Reservoirs. Give us a call to book your adventure today. 530-386-0525