This Truckee #TahoeArea #FlyFishingreport will cover The Truckee River and #Prosser, #Boca, and #Stampede #reservoirs. Conditions in the area are improving and will continue to get better as the heat and days go on. Someone flipped the switch and Summer is here! You will earn your fish on the Truckee River with the current flows. Best to check on one of the three local reservoirs Prosser, Boca, and Stampede. Try all three they are pretty close together.

Truckee River Conditions
Truckee River flows out of Tahoe have been bumped up to 859cfs, near Truckee flow is 1400cfs, and at Boca Flow is 2350cfs. Afternoon temps were 52-54 degrees. Turbidity increases as you get further down past Boca.
Truckee River Tactics
Truckee River Tactics has not changed much. Find the deep, soft water and you will find fish. I have seen some working fish here and there. Most were outta reach so don't have a feel for the exact bug. There are some good #Mayfly hatches and #LittleYellowStones coming off and fish are looking up along the edges. The #Ant was pretty popular over the weekend as well. Yet to see a Green Drake but they should be out and about any day. Deep Nymphing and Streamers are your best bet for consistency.
Truckee River Suggested Flies
For Dry Flies try Stimulator 6-12, Cubby Chernoble 6-8, Foam Ant 6-8, Parachute Adams 12-16, Red Quill 12-14, Grey Drake 12-14, Compara Dun 12-14 and Royal Wulff 10-12 . For nymphs try attractor patterns and bugs on the bigger side: Pats Rubber Legs 6-10, Twenty Incher 8-10, Peacock Stones 6-8, Soft Hackles 12-14, Green Drake nymph 8-10, Prince Nymphs 8-10, Burk's Bottom roller 10-12, Flashback Pheasant Tail 14-18, SJW, Haresear 10-14, Copper Johns 12-14, Iron Sallies, and Mercer's Poxyback Golden Stone 8-10. For Streamers try Sculpzilla 8-4, Woolley Buggers 6-8, and Sparkle Minnows 4.
Truckee River Fly Fishing report Summary
The Truckee River continues to run high. You will have to work for you fish here. There are now hatches occurring with fish looking up in select places like the slower water and edges. If you looking for action the try one or all of the reservoirs.
Prosser, Boca, Stampede Reservoir Conditions
Prosser and Stampede are filling up and creating some great fishing conditions. Surface temps were 62 degrees but probably have gone up with the current heat. Boca is going to be held lower this year because of the construction at the dam. However, with the flow the inlet is a pretty good bet. Many species of fish are available here to the flyfisher. Don't know why most people shun the #stillwater game but, lucky for you and me there are fewer anglers and plenty of willing fish.

Prosser, Boca, Stampede Reservoir Tactics
Tactics for Prosser, Boca, and Stampede are as varied as the species that swim in them. Dry Fly is probably the least productive right now. Indicator nymphing or stripping both nymphs and Streamers on sinking lines are getting it done. Rainbows, Browns, Kokanee, LCT, and Smallmouth Bass are all in play at the moment. Pick your style and go out have some fun! While a boat is nice fishing from shore is still working well. Check the points, edges, ledges, inlets, and dam faces for places to start.
Prosser, Boca, Stampede Reservoir Suggested Flies
For dries try Ants 10-16, Parachute Adams 14-16, Throax Dun 14-16, Compara Dun 14-16, Quigley Cripple 14-16, Calibeatis emerger 14-16, Griffiths Gnat 16-18, Palimino Midge 16-18, and Biot Midge 16-18. For the subsurface game try Pheasant tails 14-18, Flashbact PT 14-18, Birdsnest 14-16, Calibeatis nymph 14-16, Sheeps Creek 14-16, Brassie 16-18, RS2 16-18, and Mercury Midge 16-18. For Streamers try Woolley Buggers 8-10, Leeches 8-10, Scupzilla 8, Gummy Minnow 6-8, and Marabou Muddler 6-8.
Prosser, Boca, Stampede Reservoir Summary
The Reservoirs are the ticket right now. Plenty of fish and pretty much all styles of fly fishing are working at some point during the day. Make the time and check them out.
Clinics and Guide Service
Four Seasons Fly Fishing is the Premier #Orvis endorsed #Guide service in the Truckee Tahoe Area. We offer trips walk/wade and boat trips to all three of these Reservoirs. We also offer #flyfishingclinics for beginners to experts in all styles of Fly Fishing. Give us a call to book your adventure today. 530-386-0525