This #fly #fishing report will cover the #Truckee #River and available fishing venues at this time. There is currently still a lot of snow on the ground in the Truckee Area and access is getting better but still somewhat limited. The further down stream you go the less snow. Floriston and Farad exits off I-80 are in good shape for access although the river is running higher down there. Looks like after this sunny weekend we are still in for a few more days of unsettled weather next week.
We are also in the Winter Regulations time of year which means zero kill, artificial lures, or flies, and only certain sections of the Truckee River and Little Truckee River are open. Consult you regulations here
Truckee River Conditions
The Truckee is flowing at 1,250cfs in town and 2,250cfs at Boca. It is running clear at this time and afternoon water temps are in the low 40's. Expect the flows to be high for the foreseeable future as Lake Tahoe is nearly full and the runoff has yet to start.

Truckee River Tactics
My last session on the Truckee there were plenty of BWO's, Midges, and Golden Stones out and about. Did not see any fish working the surface or the Skwalas that is was expecting. This time of the year and with this flow Nymphing will still be the most productive technique to use. Streamers are also worth a shot as well. Fish the heat of the day. Check out the slower, deeper runs, and margins. Fish low and slow.
Suggested Nymphs, Streamers, and Dries
For #nymphs try Pats Rubber Legs 6-10, Twenty Incher 8-10, Prince Nymphs 8-10, Zebra Midges 16-18, Copper John 16-20, Birdsnest 16-18, Flashback Pheasant Tail 14-18, SJW, Haresear 14-16, and Micro May 16-18. For #Steamers try Sculpzilla 8-4, Woolley Buggers 6-8, and Sparkle Minnows 4. For #Dryflies try Skwalas 10, Winter Stones 16-14, Griffiths Gnat 16, Quigley Cripples 14-18, Compara Duns 14-18, and Thorax Duns.
Truckee River Fly Fishing Report Summary
Conditions are improving in the area for fishing access. The flows are up and the bugs are out. Fish low and slow and keep an eye out for working fish and change up as needed. It is still a bit early up here.
Upcoming Events
Women's Clinic all day June 15th spots available.
Hosted Montana trip August 4th-9th 2 spots available