Welcome, this report will focus on the Truckee and Little Truckee Rivers of the North Tahoe area. The weather seems to be dominating the news right now but, don't let that deter you from considering a trip to our area. The fish don't care that it might be raining! It fact I bet that they prefer the low light conditions to the blazing sun that will be coming our way later in the summer. The unsettled weather is part of the adventure and changes constantly. Embrace it and lets go fishing.
What to learn more about high water fly fishing or other specialty techniques take a class. My classes are available anytime and custom to suit you interests or needs. Give me a call and we can set something just for you.

Truckee River Conditions
The Truckee River conditions good. Flows are down a bit mostly due to the freezing temps at elevation slowing the snowmelt. Flow out of Tahoe is 819cfs, in Truckee 1,130cfs, and 2180cfs below Boca in flow. The water is clear and temps are in the mid 40's. As the sun comes out expect the water temps to start rising. And that is a good thing.
Truckee River Tactics
Truckee River Tactics for fly fishing haven't changed much in the last month. Nymphing and Streamers are going to be the best bet. The water is a little lower so some of the holding lies will have changed in the last month. You are still looking to fish the slower deeper water and seams just off the edges or faster current. The fish have not been looking up much yet, however, as the water warms look for bugs to get more active. BWO's are out and about on the overcast days.
Truckee River Suggested Flies
The Flies for fly fishing on the Truckee River have not changes that much over the last month. For #nymphs try attractor patterns and bugs on the bigger side: Pats Rubber Legs 6-10, Twenty Incher 8-10, Prince Nymphs 8-10, Flashback Pheasant Tail 14-18, SJW, Glo Bugs, Haresear 10-14 and Mercer's Poxyback Golden Stone 8-10. For #Steamers try Sculpzilla 8-4, Woolley Buggers 6-8, and Sparkle Minnows 4.
Truckee River Fly Fishing Summary
You aren't going to catch anything sitting on the couch. The water levels are still big but have dropped quit a bit over the month. Get out and give it a go. The fish are there and nymphing with attractor patterns and bigger nymphs is catching some fish.

Little Truckee River Conditions
The Little Truckee River flows have come down just in the last few days. Currently, the flows are 542cfs and the water is clear. The water temps are in the mid 40's. Wear some warm socks! The conditions are now much more favorable to wading. There are still some fish spawning! Please avoid walking on or fishing to fish on the Redds.
Little Truckee River Tactics
Little Truckee River tactics have not changed too much in the last month. Nymphing is going to be the ticket. Attractor nymphs paired with a small Mayfly or midge will usually get it done here. I did see a few fish eat on the surface on my last outing but, not enough get me to switch to a dry. BWO's and Midges were coming off sporadically throughout the day.
Little Truckee River Suggested Flies
Suggested flies for the Little Truckee River. For nymphs try Micro May 16-18, Pheasant Tail 16-18, Flashback PT 16-18, SJW, Globug, Copper Johns 14-18, Zebra Midge 18-20, RS2 16-18, WD-40 16-18, Green Drake 8-10 and HBI 14-16. For dry flies try Parachute Adams 16-20, Griffiths Gnat 16-10, Quigley Cripple 16-18, Royal Wluff 10-14, Thorax Dun 14-16, and Compara Dun 14-16.
Little Truckee River Summary
The Little Truckee is coming into shape nicely. Nymphing will be the ticket here for a while longer but, as the water starts to warm we should see some better hatches of Mayflies and Midges.