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The Fly Fishing Report For May 31st, 2020


This #flyfishing report will focus on the #Truckeeriver and #littletruckee rivers. The weather has been a little off and on the last couple weeks. Cooler temps, rain, and then super warm. Super warm being 80's for me. The fishing continues to improve and access is opening up to some of the outlying areas meaning more options for fly fishing. The cloudy days have produced some nice hatches with fish looking up. This last warm spell got the runoff flowing again and the Ants really flying.

Four Seasons Fly Fishing is OPEN! last week I recieved approval of my Covid-19 plan from the Forest Service and am allowed to operate on their land again.

Truckee River Conditions

The flows on the Truckee above town are 221cfs mostly from runoff at Bear Creek and Squaw Creek. The temps are up and down 48 to 53 degrees depending the runoff and clarity is good. The flows below Boca are 1,120cfs due to the water coming out of Boca reservoir. Clarity is good here too and I didn't take a temp.

Truckee River Tactics

Tactics for the Truckee River are varied this time of year but anything you want to try will probably work at some point during the day. Seems like I am always packing two or three rods this time of year. Trying to catch the hatch on the overcast days, chucking a streamer, and nymphing a lot in-between. There are still little BWO's and March Browns coming off. With the warm up, the Ants where flying and PMD's are popping as well. Even saw a couple of Golden Stones fluttering about. Tough time to concentrate on one bug there are so many choices for the fish. Whatever your rig, try fishing two at a time of different size, type, and color. Change and move on if you not hooking up.

Truckee River Suggested Flies

Suggested flies for the Truckee River are many here are some that have worked for me over the seasons. Dry Flies: Thorax Dun 14-16, Parachute Adams 12-16, Quigley Cripple 12-16, PMD's 14, Double Dutch 8-10, Ants 10-12, Elkhair Caddis 12-14, E/C Caddis 12-14, Missing Link Caddis 12-16, Humpy 12-16, and Griffiths Gnat 16-18. For nymphs: Pats Rubber Legs 10-8, Twenty Incher 8-10, Peacock Stones 8-10, Mercer's Poxyback stone 8-10, Soft Hackles 12-16, Prince Nymphs 8-12, Poohpah 14-18, Burk's Bottom roller 14-16, Mop 10, SJW, Flashback Pheasant Tail 12-16, SJW, Haresear 12-16, Copper Johns 12-16, and Birdsnest 10-16. For Streamers: Woolley Bugger 6-8, Sculpzilla 8, Muddler Minnow 6-8, Sparkle Minnow 4, and Dali Lama 4.

Rainbow Trout
Really nice Truckee Rainbow

Truckee River Summary

The Truckee River is fishing pretty good at times. Many species of bugs are in play so may have to change up several times to get a take. It is early season still and the Truckee can be a bit hit or miss. However, worth it when the timing is right.

Little Truckee River Conditions

The Flows on the Litttle Truckee are 584cfs. The water is clear and temps are in the mid fourties. At these flows crossing the LT can be difficult, use good judgement to avoid a swim.

Little Truckee River Tactics

Tactics for the Little Truckee at these flows are pretty straight forward. If you see fish rising then you could probably fish on top. The Ants have been out and about and are a good prospecting pattern here. If no fish are rising, then nymphing is going to be the way to go. You will probably need some lead to go with those flies as well. The water is too fast in some spots to hold fish so look for the deeper slow pools or areas of structure like boulders and logs where fish can get some current relief.

Little Truckee River Suggested Flies

For dry flies: Ants 10, Parachute Adams 16-20, Griffiths Gnat 16-10, Quigley Cripple 16-18, Royal Wluff 10-14, Thorax Dun 14-16, and Compara Dun 14-16. For nymphs: drowned Ant 10, Micro May 16-18, Pheasant Tail 16-18, Flashback PT 16-18, SJW, Copper Johns 14-18, Zebra Midge 18-20, RS2 16-18, WD-40 16-18, Green Drake 8-10 and HBI 14-16. For Streamers: Woolley Bugger 6-8, Sculpzilla 8, Muddler Minnow 6-8, Sparkle Minnow 4, and Dali Lama 4.

Little Truckee River Summary

The Little Truckee is still running high and fast. That may change so watch the flows. The Big Ants are out and about here. May have to do more nymphing to catch a fish at this time.

Jamine and Izzy with a nice little Brown

Other Options

There are many other options in the Truckee Area worth checking out. The local reservoirs have all been fishing pretty good and contain multiple species of fish. The road to Jackson Meadows is open and that adds a ton of creek options as the runoff drops as well as lake options. Access to Milton reservoir is open as well.

Four Seasons Fly Fishing is the Premier #Orvis endorsed #Guide service in the #Truckee#Tahoe Area. We offer walk/wade trips on our rivers and boat trips on the local reservoirs. We also offer #flyfishingclinics for beginners to experts in all styles of Fly Fishing. Give us a call to book your adventure today. 530-386-0525


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I love to share my passion for fly fishing with anyone from the beginner to the seasoned veteran. Join me for a guided fishing trip in the Truckee/Lake Tahoe Area!


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