Having trouble catching fish in the Truckee River? Well you aren't the only one. More and more I'm getting calls from people saying they can't get a #fish on the #Truckeeriver. Lucky me, it's another day of work. So, after two plus decades guiding anglers of all types on the Truckee River and surrounding area, here are four tips for a better day.
First, while planning your adventure to the Truckee River, check the flows here . You're looking for large changes 150cfs +/- out of Lake Tahoe. Why? Two reasons: it is hard to wade and find crossing points at flows above 500cfs, and low water during summer could mean warm water temps, which brings me to my second tip.

Second, when you get to your spot, check the water temps. Ideal temps here are from 55 to 65 degree water temps. Don't assume that the morning temp is the same as the afternoon. I can see a 10 degree change during the day in the middle of summer. Fish don't like hot water. If it is getting to 70 degrees it is time to do something else.

Third, if you are not hooking up then make an adjustment. That could be changing flies, adding weight, or changing technique. If that doesn't work move. Got to cover water here. Not all of the fishy spots have fish and not all fish want to play. Move!

Fourth, Cover the water systematically. Start at your edge of the river and work out in 2 to 3 foot lanes with one or two good drifts and then move on. Most people are fishing way too much line and way too far out. Shorten up that line and get it in control.

Bonus tip here. This is not like fishing in Idaho, Montana, or Wyoming. The Truckee River is different and it takes some effort to catch a fish here. It may take a couple of outings before success comes your way. Take a few notes on what you were doing and what the temps were when you had that success and apply it to the next outing. Don't forget to celebrate that success as well! If you can have success here you can have success on most western rivers.
Four Seasons Fly Fishing is the premier #Orvis endorsed #Guide service in the #Truckee #Tahoe area. We offer walk/wade trips on our rivers and on the local reservoirs, as well as #flyfishingclinics for beginners to experts in all styles of Fly Fishing. Give us a call to book your adventure today. 530-386-0525
email brian@flyfishingtruckee-tahoe.com